The Photo Club of Quail Creek
The Photo Club of Quail Creek recently completed its 12th quarterly photo challenge, themed “My Arizona.” Each club member could enter up to three photos, which had to be taken within the calendar quarter. The photographer/artist could post-process the photo in any way, including using Photoshop filters and manipulation. This challenge proved to be quite popular and drew 32 excellent entries. Club members voted on their favorite photos. See all of the photos on the Photo Club of Quail Creek Flickr site – https://tinyurl.com/y7ot3g5z.
First Place
Steve Peipmeier won first place with his photo Madera Meditation. Steve commented, “Madera Canyon in Coronado National Forest contains some of the best geology in Southeast Arizona. The smooth granite boulders, along with monsoon water, offer this meditative view.” Steve shot this with a Panasonic Lumix DC-ZS200. The camera parameters were 1/80 sec at f/3.5, ISO 200, and at 28mm.
Second Place
Charles Schinner took second place with his Monument Valley Sunrise. He said that this was a five-image, stitched panoramic shot right after sunrise at the Stagecoach Jewelry stop along Highway 163. His Nikon Z6 was used for this shot.
Third Place
Tom Cadwalader’s Mexican Jay took third place. Tom commented, “On a cold Saturday morning, we were birding in Madera Canyon. We see many Mexican jays in Madera Canyon, but they always seemed to be in heavy shade or in the very bright Arizona sun. This was a cloudy morning, thus, casting a more even light on the birds. As far as settings go, I had my Olympus 300 mm F4 prime with a 1.4x teleconverter attached to my Olympus OMD eM1 MKIII camera body. For processing the RAW capture, I first ran it through Topaz DeNoise to remove any noise that might have been in the image. I then processed it in Adobe Lightroom and made the basic tone adjustments to the overall image. Then I made use of the new masking features in Lightroom to fine-tune both the bird and the background.”
About the Photography Club of Quail Creek
The Photography Club of Quail Creek has a monthly photo contest for its members and schedules numerous photo field trips for members throughout the year. Meetings are offered monthly at the Kino Conference Center. Consult the club’s website for additional information, www.pcqc.org.
Quail Creek is a 55+ community located in Green Valley, Arizona. The Photography Club is only one of the many engaging clubs for residents to participate in for social connection and enjoyment. Discover more clubs and activities for active adults within this retirement community here.