Photo Club of Quail Creek Historical Photo Contest
The Photo Club of Quail Creek continued its monthly members contest with “Historical” photos recently. Each club member could enter up to three photos taken in the last three years. This subject was a popular one for the members, as you might expect, and drew 24 entries. All of the photos are available to view on the Photo Club of Quail Creek’s site tinyurl.com/2grlugq6.
Historical Photo Contest Winners
First Place
Jeff Krueger won first place with his photo Remember Burma Shave. Jeff commented, “A couple years ago, we decided to do a Route 66 trip in two phases. The first trip started at Holbrook, Ariz., to Flagstaff. The second trip was from Flagstaff to Oatman, Ariz. This photo was taken along the way to Oatman. There were at least three sets of the old Burma-Shave signs, which I remembered from the car trips I would take with my parents. I shot this from the car on Route 66 while my wife was driving. I actually shot all three sets of signs as we drove by them, using a relatively fast shutter speed of 1/500th to stop motion and a mid-range aperture of f/10 for some decent depth of field.” Jeff used a Canon 5D Mark IV shooting at 105 mm.
Second Place
Larry Hudson took second place with his photo Old Phone Call. Larry commented, “The photography I took of the old dial telephone was at Empire Ranch. In addition to the telephone’s obvious age, the scene looked vintage. The table runner, wood color, and metal tub all spoke the period of the phone.” Larry used an iPhone 11Pro Max, shooting 1/25 sec, f/2.0, ISO 400.
Third Place
The photo Spanish Mission Grave by John Tubbs placed third. John said, “This is a shot of an unmarked grave in an old Spanish mission. Over many years, there were a lot of changes at this location, as it alternately flourished and foundered, including having been abandoned due to Apache attacks at one point. So, it’s impossible to know who is buried here and in the other graves marked only by wooden crosses. I made this image late in the day in order to have low light shining on the tree, throwing its shadow on the wall. I framed it so that it appeared to be the only grave there. Hopefully, the image makes viewers wonder who is there and what their story is.” John used a Leica MII, 50mm, 1/4000sec, f/6.8, ISO 400.
About the Photo Club of Quail Creek
The Photography Club of Quail Creek has a monthly photo contest for its members and schedules numerous photo field trips for members throughout the year. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Kino Conference Center, Mesquite Room. Room venue could vary each month. Consult the club’s constantly updated website www.pcqc.org as well as the weekday HOA What’s Happening for additional information.
Written by: Jim Burkstrand
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