Robson Ranch Arizona Paper Crafting Club Member Profile
One of the original residents of Robson Ranch Arizona, Robin Tisinger, is the latest Robson Ranch Arizona Paper Crafting Club Member Profile. Robin dabbled with card making now and then when she lived in Simi Valley, California.
After getting acquainted with her Robson Ranch Arizona neighbor, Pam Costner, a representative for the paper crafting company Close to Your Heart, she took up paper crafting in earnest. Pam invited Robin and several other women over on occasion where they gathered around to scrapbook and/or create handmade cards. Often they worked from card kits. Robin wondered why the others would end up with numerous cards and she would have a handful. Pam pointed out that the others created identical cards in assembly-line fashion, following the kit design exactly. Meanwhile, Robin endeavored to individualize each one, which takes time, thought, and an eye for balance and design. Robin explained, “Kits give direction, but you’re not limited to doing each one as a copy of the others. It’s OK—in fact, it’s fun and it’s more fulfilling to tweak them and make each one slightly different.”
In addition to greeting cards, Robin has created scrapbooks, but there is no comparison to the creation of cards. Robin said, “I love being creative, and I love making things for people and letting them know they’re being thought of.” She doesn’t limit her gifts to greeting cards. She explained, “I sew, quilt, embroider, crochet, and even make dolls and stuffed animals. I also work with stained glass. I just love crafting.” Even though Robin has a dedicated craft room in her house, the material and equipment take up so much space that she ends up making her cards at the dining table.
Robin makes enough cards to have on hand but still takes time to make special designs for a particular individual.
It seems by bringing joy to others, Robin creates her own inner happiness.
Written by: Jaine Toth
About the Paper Crafting Club at Robson Ranch Arizona
Learn different techniques, such as embossing, making cards out of fancy napkins, and different folding styles with the various classes. There are also occasional classes for those new to scrapbooking.
In addition to the creative work, the camaraderie among the club members makes the time all the more special. Members are always ready to help when someone has questions about design, color, or other aspects of a project.
Learn more about retirement living for active adults at Robson Ranch Arizona today by calling 800-770-7044 or contact us for more information here.