SaddleBrooke Ranch Piecemakers Send Love & Comfort to Kentucky
The SaddleBrooke Ranch Piecemakers send love and comfort by making quilts for those in need. When news broke of the recent disastrous floods in eastern Kentucky, the club saw an opportunity to contribute to a cause. They hoped to target a community where their small contribution could make the biggest impact. Member Alice Ann Lenzini searched the internet and was led to the city of Neon, Ky., a place with fewer than 800 residents in an area of 1.6 square miles. She had a conversation with a city council member who was nearly brought to tears when Alice Ann told her what the Piecemakers were planning to do.
Flooding in Neon
The citizens of Neon are working tirelessly to recover. They lost their only pharmacy, medical office, and library. Rising waters pushed a church off its foundation and filled it with mud. The local doctor’s medical practice was decimated by 9-feet high waters that broke through a four-foot floodgate destroying all her medical equipment, medications, records, and artwork. Schools were flooded, and virtually every house and business was damaged.
The Piecemakers on a Mission
On a mission, Piecemakers members gathered together with fabrics in hand to cut pieces for a “crazy quilt” pattern. Modern crazy quilts are fun, colorful quilts known for their irregular shapes; bold, “scrappy” color combinations; and relative speed of assembly. Both beautiful and practical, they are at once whimsical and warm.
Once the pieces were cut, members set off assembling their quilt tops. Some cut extra pieces and made more than one quilt while others helped with long-arming. Finally, at 36 all told, the finished quilts were folded, wrapped in bows, and placed in bags ready to be mailed. Destination: Neon, Kentucky!
The boxes containing the quilts were shipped with all the love and best wishes they could hold for the people of Neon and Kentucky at large. Although this catastrophe has disappeared from the headlines, the struggle very much continues. Many remain houseless while efforts to recover and rebuild are underway. But Kentuckians are not forgotten! In every corner of our country, virtual strangers have banded together to lend their support. In Arizona, the SaddleBrooke Ranch Piecemakers send love and comfort with their quilts.
Written by Mary Shirey
About the Ranch Piecemakers
The SaddleBrooke Ranch Piecemakers is one of the fun clubs at SaddleBrooke Ranch, located just north of Tucson. They welcome every level of quilting experience. Club members are eager to connect, share and create together. Many of the created quilting projects are for community outreach and benefit Tucson, Arizona and national groups.
To learn more about 55+ active adult living at SaddleBrooke Ranch, call 866-818-6068 or contact us today for more information.