April 2024
Exciting news for PebbleCreek Pickleball lovers! The wait is over – 16 brand new courts are now open and ready for play. With a impressive total of 36 courts, PebbleCreek is a now true Pickleball paradise. Pickleball Paradise A haven for Arizona’s active adults, PebbleCreek – one of the state’s largest Pickleball communities – caters […]
Happy Tails Dog Club at Robson Ranch Texas had the honor of hosting Monica Ailey, president and co-founder of Animal Investigation & Response (AIR), along with volunteer Kim Meloncon recently. The Importance of AIR AIR, a 501(c)(3) animal protection organization based in Argyle, Texas, assists law enforcement, animal control agencies, and communities in addressing animal […]
Fourteen SaddleBrooke Photography Club members set out on a photo adventure to Tucson. Their goal was to capture the vibrant colors and rich history of Tucson’s Barrio Viejo and El Presidio Historic District. Led by field trip leader Bob Shea, the club embarked on their exploration on a delightful Sunday morning. Exploring Tucson’s Historic Barrios […]
Recently, Robson Ranch Arizona’s Road Warriors softball team reign supreme at the Senior Softball-USA (SSUSA) Tournament of Champions. When being a world champion is just not enough, you become a champion of world champions, and that’s exactly what the Robson Ranch Arizona’s Road Warriors softball team accomplished recently. Earning a Shot at the TOC These […]
Beyond friendly faces and shared activities, PebbleCreek residents come together to make a local impact. Through the Women’s Giving Circle of PebbleCreek (TWGC), residents come together for a unique and heartwarming event: “Date with a Plate.” This annual gathering celebrates the art of table setting and the power of community giving. Exhibitors have the opportunity […]
The Quail Creek Couples Golf Association teed off the season with a fun-filled “Luck of the Draw” Nine and Dine event. Hit the Greens with a Lucky Shuffle! One hundred and twelve golfers enjoyed a unique twist on the classic scramble format. Players were assigned a card suit (diamond, heart, spade, or club) and played […]
Calling all music enthusiasts! The SaddleBrooke Winds and Strings (SBWS) is a community band dedicated to enriching the lives of residents from SaddleBrooke, The Preserve and SaddleBrooke Ranch through music. A Blend of Talent Founded in 2013 by passionate SaddleBrooke residents, SBWS brings together amateur and professional musicians to create a harmonious ensemble. As the […]